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How to cancel your Milkshake subscription (iOS)
Written by Sherv
Updated over 8 months ago

Cancelling your Milkshake subscription

Your Milkshake subscription will renew automatically until you cancel. You can cancel at any time through the Settings app on your Apple device.

To avoid being charged for another month, cancel your subscription at least one day before the end of your current month.

The Milkshake team is unable to cancel a subscription on a user's behalf. For help cancelling your subscription or to request a refund, contact Apple support in your country.

If you can't find Milkshake in the list of your subscriptions, click here for more information.


The Milkshake team is unable to cancel a subscription on a user's behalf. For help cancelling your subscription or to request a refund, contact Apple support in your country.

If you can't find Milkshake in the list of your subscriptions, click here for more information.

If you purchased your Milkshake subscription via Apple app store you can only manage it through your iOS device, not the Google Play Store.

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