Custom domains are available as part of the Milkshake Pro Plus subscription.
I need help setting up my custom domain
Check out our detailed setup instructions here
I can't see my Milkshake site at my custom domain
If you can't see your website at your custom domain URL but the Milkshake app says you are connected you may just need to wait a little while!
As part of setting up your domain you've made changes to DNS. These changes often take 24 hours to update and sometimes can take up to 72 hours.
If you are still having issues after 24 hours, please tap the 'Contact support' button to message us from within the app.
'Manage your domain' screen shows an error state
If you see a pink error pill in the top right hand corner of your 'Manage your domain' screen you will need to contact customer support.
Please tap the 'Contact support' button to message us from within the app.
'Finish connecting your domain' screen shows a pending state
If you see a blue pending pill in the top right hand corner of your screen one of two things may be the case.
Either there is an issue with the way you have set up your domain OR you just need to wait a little longer!
Firstly, carefully read through the setup instructions here and make sure you have correctly completed each step. This will help you find out if you have made a mistake with your setup.
Secondly, wait for 24 hours as this is the amount of time that most domain registrars say it takes for them to ensure the changes you made to your DNS are available all over the world. After 24 hours come back to the app and tap 'Connect domain'.
If you've tried the above and are still having issues after 24 hours, please tap the 'Contact support' button to message us from within the app.
I see a 'ERROR 1014' when trying to access my custom domain
If you see 'Error 1014' when you try to access your Milkshake site the most likely cause is that your subscription has expired. Please check the Milkshake App's 'Subscription screen' to check if you still have a valid Pro Plus subscription.
If you have a Pro Plus subscription and are still having issues, please tap the 'Contact support' button to message us from within the app.